The Duty of Candour and Whistleblowing

This paper supplements the debate that took place between Angus Moon QC and Rad Kohanzad at the Duty of Candour seminar on 24th September 2015 entitled “Duty of Candour (“DOC”) and whistleblowing”. Whilst the talk assumed little knowledge of whistleblowing, this paper provides the background to the subject matter of discussion and explores the interrelationship between the […]

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GMC panel agrees to Andrew Hockton’s submission to throw out allegations of sexual assault against paediatrician

At a hearing before the Fitness to Practise Panel of the GMC between 2nd and 10th November 2015, the complainant (Patient A), who was a young mother who had just given birth, made an allegation of indecent assault against the Respondent, who was working at the time as a locum SHO in paediatrics. It was alleged […]

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Re: Mrs. N – Court of Protection – withdrawal of Artificial Nutrition and Hydration from a minimally conscious patient

This ground breaking case is the first in which the Court has authorised the withdrawal of  artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) from an incapable patient who, although in a state of very reduced consciousness, is clinically stable and still exhibiting some awareness. The decision puts the autonomy of the patient firmly at the heart of […]

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Sebastian Naughton acts for the successful claimant in the fatal case of Hussain v East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Sebastian Naughton appeared for the claimant in this 5-day trial concerning paramedic negligence in failing to convey the deceased to hospital in light of cardiac symptoms. Breach of duty and causation were in issue; HHJ Godsmark QC found for the claimant on both points. Sebastian was instructed by Hayley Smith from Irwin Mitchell. […]

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Anthony Haycroft successfully defends doctor on “rape” allegation

Anthony Haycroft successfully represented a Scottish orthopaedic surgeon in a 9-day Fitness to Practise hearing in Manchester, in respect of an allegation of rape of a medical student at a private party. The doctor was not prosecuted by the Scottish authorities where the criminal rules of evidence are different from those in England. The GMC decided […]

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